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Career Development

Help employees discover new career opportunities within your company and support them in achieving their development goals. 

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Our Features

Career Navigator

Drive internal mobility with our built-in career navigator. Make it easier for employees to discover new roles within your company related to their current skills and interests. Share competencies, job responsibilities, and pay information. 

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Career Conversations

Drive ongoing career conversations between managers and employees. Help employees identify their next target role, their current strengths and development opportunities. 

Development Goals

Track each employee's learning and development goals, nudge managers to check-in on progress, and celebrate new skills learned. 

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Learning Marketplace

Give employees the flexibility to learn the topics they desire, in the methods they prefer. Our learning marketplace features a variety of learning experience providers including in-person and virtual training, certifications, books, and conferences. 

Opportunity Alerts 

Drive internal mobility by alerting employees when new job opportunities are opened related to their career interests. 

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Lack of career development & opportunities is the #1 reason for employee turnover 

Career Development FAQs

What information can employees see in the career explorer? 

For each role you can include a descriptive overview, a competency map, typical job duties, and average pay ranges.

Can we control if employees are able to see pay information? 

Yes. If your organization is still working on pay transparency, you can hide this features from users until you are ready to enable it.

Why are career conversations separated from performance reviews? 

Our model separates performance reviews from career development to ensure that these conversations are focused and effective for the employee. The career conversation is an opportunity to think outside of the employee's current role, to dive deep into where they would like to grow, and to build out a plan that will focus on these areas. The performance review is an opportunity to dive deep into how the employee is performing in their current role and the success and challenges they are having in the position.

Why should we leverage the learning marketplace feature? 

Each employee has unique career goals, development needs, and personal preferences for how they like to learn. Meeting these unique needs can be difficult for an L&D team to do at scale. The Learning Marketplace streamlines how L&D teams can connect employees to recommended learning, allocate learning stipends, and monitor how employees are growing in their careers.

How are employees allotted credits in the learning marketplace? 

Learning credits can be allocated out to employees upon hire, on a recurring annual date, and/or on work anniversaries.

See Caide In Action

Learn how Caide can support your employee engagement and retention goals

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